 With the pandemic, entry times had slowed down significantly as users had to show proof of ID and COVID health records to enter any physical space. The task ahead for the design team was to create a cost effective, modern, and scalable experience th
 CLEAR design team started to develop a new modular hardware (NEO) and software experience (“Usher”) that cost far less to scale than CLEAR’s existing airport pods. It also used a modular framework allowing for adding new features such as temp reader
 Phase 1 (MVP) - UI featuring partial face feed of user.
 Phase 2 - Updated UI featuring full face feed of user. Users felt this was closer to face capture patterns they were used to seeing; they felt it to be more transparent, intuitive and modern.
 Phase 3 - Based on user research, we updated the UI to make it more easy for users to know how far to stand from device and where to hold up the phone to scan the QR code.
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